Testimonials from those who've worked with Rosy
"Rosy possesses the rarest sort of genius, and she puts it to still rarer use. She has the ability to see, deeply, the strengths of her clients, and uses this to construct for each a unique reading of immeasurable value and meaning.
In a world where, it seems, only the most conventional and obvious skills and life paths are encouraged, her commitment to naming and supporting subtler gifts and needs is vital. I've returned to her readings time and time again, and I'm always touched by her insight, empathy, and boundless understanding. Part supportive counselor, part wise interpreter of the soul, part clear-eyed intuitive, Rosy is the sort of ally in life I wish everyone could experience. The whole world would be the better for it."
-- Siona van Dijk -- Writer / Facilitator, sionavandijk.wordpress.com
“As a magical mentor, coach, artistic midwife, and celebrator of what’s blossoming in an individual, Rosy Aronson has cleared the dust from my eyes and set my feet on solid ground time and time again. She has a gift to see deep into one’s soul and usher us into our greatness.
I would not be this currently ‘blossomed’, and constantly still blossoming version of myself without her acute wisdom and generous joyful support. I would encourage any woman wanting to step more fully into the highest version of herself to work as close as she could with Rosy Aronson. She is a magically inspired, creative, and powerful force of nature on our planet at this time!!“
~Jenny Karns, the creator of the Remembering Our Magic Telesummit: A Healing, Empowering, and Global Peace Project.
“Rosy is a lighthouse, illuminating the way for those who seek knowledge of self. She is like a compass guiding you back home….and once there, can never stray away again.
I was looking for a Human Design facilitator through the internet and I found Rosy’s name. I was immediately attracted to her energy and spent several days researching human design. After a couple of days, I made an appointment with her.
When I heard my first recording, I was impressed by how accurate Rosy was in describing my design. The great bonus was that I really felt at home with her; As though I was visiting a kindred spirit with whom I didn’t have to explain myself all the time. This level of comfort Rosy gives, is one of her many gifts. From there we transitioned into what I call a “co-creative coaching process”.
I have worked with Rosy for over a year and I have to say she really is one of the most dynamic women I have ever met. In my profession, I come across many other professionals. However, I have to say that Rosy is, in my opinion one of the best facilitators and counselors I have met. Her intelligence, professionalism, passion and expertise are exceptional. She has a gift of combining all her wisdom and knowledge into her work. I respect and admire her level of integrity. Rosy is a true renaissance woman!”
~Sandra Rojo, Certified Wellness, Health and Life Coach, and Healer, www.sacred-awakening.com
“Just thinking of my sumptuous Human Design Sessions with Rosy brings sunshine, flowers, and fresh air into my being! Rosy is not only an expert on Human Design but a true artist in the way she personalizes the work and gives it voice. And, she is an absolute delight to be with!
I have invested in many programs and coaches for personal growth and development and my experience with Rosy was by far the most valuable for what I learned and could immediately apply to all aspects of my life, relationships and business. Until understanding my human design I tended to make things so much harder than they needed to be. With Rosy’s guidance, I was able to start to trust my rhythms and ways, and have had incredible gifts appear in my life since our sessions. I cannot recommend Rosy’s work highly or deeply enough! She is a sparkling gem.”
~Karyn Amore, Catalyst and Muse for Your WildSexyFree Life (wildsexyfree.com).
“When I received my first human design reading from Rosy, I thought, “How does this woman know me so well?!!” Rosy was able to communicate the truth about me in a very loving and caring way while encouraging me to be true and authentic to myself. Because of Rosy, I have grown.
Because of Rosy, I have allowed me to be more of me while allowing my life to unfold as it should. Like a blossoming flower, I am here, open and ready for what my life has to offer.”
~Trena Bolden Fields, Actress, Writer, Life & Career Coach, www.trenaboldenfields.com
“Rosy possesses the rarest sort of genius, and she puts it to still rarer use. She has the ability to see, deeply, the strengths of her clients, and uses this to construct for each a unique reading of immeasurable value and meaning. In a world where, it seems, only the most conventional and obvious skills and life paths are encouraged, her commitment to naming and supporting subtler gifts and needs is vital. I’ve returned to her readings time and time again, and I’m always touched by her insight, empathy, and boundless understanding.
Part supportive counselor, part wise interpreter of the soul, part clear-eyed intuitive, Rosy is the sort of ally in life I wish everyone could experience. The whole world would be the better for it.”
~Siona van Dijk, Writer / Facilitator , sionavandijk.wordpress.com
“Imagine a world in which each person were able to find the right expression of his or her beauty. It is Rosy’s mission to help as many people as possible to do just that.”
“However counter-intuitive it may seem to choose a Human Design analyst on the other side of the world, some instinct led me to request my reading from Rosy in California – thousands of miles away from where I am living (in the UK). Her radiant presence, grace, true sweetness and unmistakable compassion and dedication to her multi-faceted counseling and therapeutic practice all shone brightly from the videos on her website. That is just for starters…
When my much-anticipated reading arrived, listening to Rosy’s voice provided a sense of comfort as immediate as if we were in the same room! I have listened to the recording repeatedly, absorbing more deep, warm wisdom each time.
I had read of people weeping tears – of relief and recognition – as their true selves, so deeply buried under the accretions of conditioning, stress and trauma, are unearthed and brought into the light! This was my experience too.
Rosy will guide you with enormous sensitivity and clarity through your unique strategy for navigating this life, blending her knowledge of Human Design with her rich and varied therapeutic experience.
Like a skillful and devoted gardener, Rosy will assist you in tending to your life until it is truly blossoming!”
~Rebecca Markes, writer, artist, educator
“I’ll tell you now of Rosy, Compassionate and Wise –
Who’s always in my Corner, Exposing all the Lies
That I in Years of Living Believed about my Self.
She Gently and with Humor Uncovers all the Wealth
That’s been Hiding in the Basement under Years of Self-Neglect.
While Vacuuming and Dusting, she showed me—Self-Respect!
The Journey is Ongoing, and my Blossom’s Just Begun
To Open, and to Fragrance the World with Joy and Fun.
What lies ahead is Foggy, a World yet Unexplored.
Technology seems Baffling, but I am Moving Toward
A Place that will be Perfect for my Projector Soul
To Flourish and to Open as an Integrated Whole.
How rare a find is Rosy! Her virtues know no end,
A Coach and Guide and Counselor, and my Eternal Friend!”
~Margaret Blackburn, Mother of 5, Grandmother of 7, Wife of 47 years, Teacher, Energy Worker, Musician, and Soon-to-be Author
“A true Human Design master is part knowledge-expert, part artist, part therapist, part facilitator. Rosy is all of these and more.
The promise of HD is to shift the ‘stuck places’ and experience relief, new freedom, a sense of possibility and/or transformation. I was lucky enough to experience all of these with Rosy’s support and guidance. After only one session and a telephone follow-up with Rosy, it feels like there’s been a “tectonic plate change” inside me. My life had seemed as if I was dancing someone else’s dance before seeing her, knowing that I wasn’t quite aligned with my own pace and rhythm, and watching myself over and over again feeling overwhelmed, drained, and not knowing how to shift this.
With compassion, rigor and an amazing capacity to track the complexity of my experience, Rosy was able to weave the specifics of Human Design into my unique situation, offering me a very accessible framework and in-the-moment tools that help me make choices more easily, express myself more authentically and experience a sense of aliveness and alignment that are unprecedented in my 56 years (and ohh, so many therapy sessions!). I had received an HD session before, and though the practitioner was thorough and knowledgeable, she spoke “at” me with that knowledge, and I couldn’t translate the information to make it truly useful in my life. (And should you think I’m easy to please, I gotta tell you: I’m very, very particular….)”
~Susan Strasburger, RPT, PhD, Integrative Coaching and Counseling Living with Presence , www.susanstrasburger.com
“More than once, I have bared my tears and soul to Rosy. These have included times I was very close to giving up on my self, my relationship and my business. She is one of the most heartfelt, sincere and safe practitioners I have ever worked with. Rosy is extremely wise, present and tuned-in and has a superb record of saying just the right thing that resonates with my own truth and knowing. I also had some significant and unexpected ah-ha’s in a creativity and collage workshop led by Rosy. I couldn’t recommend Rosy’s programs and coaching more highly, especially if you are a sensitive and passionate woman.”
~Naraya Stein, Founder of Journey Mapping, Become the Mapmaker of Your Visions, www.journeymapping.net
“Playing with Human Design and Rosy was one of the most encouraging, affirming, enlightening and fun experiences I’ve ever had. This System of discovery acknowledged who I am based on how I was designed before any of this crazy world’s conditioning got in the way. It changed my life to start seeing myself through truth-glasses rather than cultural, societal, familial or trauma-based ones. Human Design was the perfect prescription to help correct my self-vision and move me toward 20/20. My gratitude abounds…”
~Anissa Matthews, Purveyor of Passions and Worshipper of Life (oh, and Massage Therapist), www.anissamatthews.com
“My Human Design reading with Rosy was an experience that has stayed with me, and one that provided great insight and comfort during a challenging time. Rosy possesses a rare and beautiful presence. She is the type of professional I would recommend unequivocally to anyone seeking compassionate, skilled and loving guidance.”
~Eileen Pardini, educator, author and earthkeeper, www.eileenpardini.com, [email protected], twitter: @eileenpardini
“Rosy is a real treasure. When I got my first reading, I was astonished at her ability to synthesize and convey layers and layers of information in a straightforward and understandable way. Rosy’s caring nature, her wonderful sense of humor, and her keen insights have been invaluable to me as we’ve worked together over several follow-up sessions. The more I consciously live my design, the more I see the ways I’d been conditioned not to live it. It is exhilarating to throw out the “should’s” and live life from my true Self. I am deeply indebted to Rosy for this great gift.”
~Peggy DeCelle, Ph.D., Psychologist, Writer, Traveler, Art-lover, Grandmother (Washington D.C.)
“I am a mother of 2 children under 10, an artist and an art instructor. As my youngest child started to become more independent, I began thinking about getting back to my studio. Through a friend I was introduced to Rosy Aronson and her “Moms About to Blossom” workshops. It was a truly wonderful series, a process of exploring our relationship to ourselves and others, our obligations, careers, interests and passions. I wanted to participate in the workshop to help myself build the confidence and clarity to more profoundly engage in building a successful career as an artist. Rosy’s workshop was incredibly powerful and useful to me in many ways that I hadn’t anticipated. I highly recommend Rosy and her “Designed to Blossom” Program to any woman struggling to regain a sense of herself and/or her life purpose.”
~Sheila Metcalf Tobin, artist, art instructor, mother, food-activist, www.sheilametcalftobin.com
“Dr. Rosy Aronson possesses the rare combination of razor sharp intelligence, profound creativity, clear intuition and the most empathic heart imaginable. She is able to take the essence of Human Design and express it through the Blossoming process in a way that is tailor-made to each person she works with. In doing so, I have seen so many people transform and consider it a great fortune that she is sharing her gifts with the world in this program. I give her my most wholehearted endorsement.
~Karin von Daler, Psychologist, Expressive Artist, Author, www.karinvondaler.com
“Rosy Aronson is a born counselor/healer/integrator of knowledge … an AMAZING woman. She is so deeply connected to this work and masterfully articulate with sensitivity and humor. I am so excited about this and think she has chosen so wisely her direction. She is a colossal interpreter! Her lovingness has been imprinted into my mind and body.”
~Caren Wise, mother, teacher, artist, expressive arts/drama therapist & change agent
“I listened to your entire reading, all the way through, on the very night that I received it! It was fascinating! I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it, and almost every part of what you shared resonated with me. Thank you for all of your time and the beautiful efforts that you made to make this happen.”
~ Kirana Miller, Founding Member for Tinamit Junan Uleu – Earth Peoples United, http://earthpeoplesunited.org
"There is the wonder of Human Design, and there is the wonder of Rosy Aronson. I am grateful that I found both together.
"When I got my first reading from Rosy, it was a time in my life when I was off course; I was definitely lost. Though I had a thriving business, a beautiful home, and a lovely husband, I was unhappy. I was sure that I had missed the boat for my true calling and was spinning my wheels in a life. I was very frustrated and my mind was constantly searchingfor something else.
The Human Design reading that Rosy delivered to me was such an incredibly deep validation and understanding of who I am. It helped me find my way back to myself. I was able to accept and celebrate where I am in life, as well as, who I am. Part of the information that Rosy gave me was a practical strategy for how to be in the world, how to find my way, how to make decisions. This deeply impacted my life. It is definitely one of the most useful and powerful things I have ever done.
The way that Rosy delivered the information was so clear, articulate, and compassionate. Rosy has a rare gift of sensitive interpretation and effective communication. I can't recommend her highly enough. Rosy is like a tonic of good energy. The way I feel good after a walk on the beach is the way I feel about my readings from Rosy. I listen to them whenever I need a dose of clarity and calm."
Mary Lois Hare, Creative Director of Loop Event Arts, www.loopflowers.com
“Rosy’s Human Design reading was an amazing experience of being fully appreciated and praised for all the parts of myself and life experiences I held in contempt and judgment. Not just facts and figures, but the way Rosy interpreted and delivered the H. D. chart information is what was so impressive and therapeutic to me. Very powerfully, intuitively, empathically, compassionately and so joyfully, Rosy told me the story of my self; introducing me to my long lost Truest Self. Rosy truly knew me better than I knew myself and completely reframed my perspective regarding my life’s journey, purpose and accomplishments. I discovered I was more on track than I thought and very creatively fulfilling my life purpose mission. Not only am I right where I’m supposed to be but ahead of the curve in many ways. For the first time in my life I am able to accept and fully embrace my creative ingenuity and allow ‘not knowing’ and trusting the unfolding of life’s process to be my Muse rather than my Nemesis. Thanks Rosy. You are truly an amazing gift to all the lives you touch.“
~David Scheel, a natural Empath and Change Agent who facilitates True Self Re-membering and Embodiment.
"This Human Design information can be confusing. But, shared with someone rooted in Love and Integrity such as Rosy, it begins to open, maybe.....unfold.... who we are.
I had heard about Human Design from my friend in California. She is so experimental about new information, that I sometimes disregard her suggestions. But, perhaps because I've always wondered about my own design, I Googled, and came across a lengthy list of information and practitioners. Scrolling down I came across "Rosy Aronson", and instinct took over. I was soon to learn that listening to this instinct would open doors, and address questions that 'logic' never could. When I received my chart, I just felt recognized...that's me, described in a new language!
Exploring the depth and richness only hinted at in the chart, the reading I received was more like a...blanket...than a description. It comforted me, revealing an inner guide and self-trust I had never really dared to rely upon. Listening, I relaxed into who I am, and found myself.....loving...the uniqueness of me!
But my excitement, and the wealth of this work still hadn't reached its peak. I arranged a phone interview with Rosy to discuss how a 'projector' such as myself could engage in relationships in new ways. Two things happened: her voice, from the first "Hello, Brett" carried such acceptance, even love, that I knew instantly I trusted this personwith my deepest secrets.
And, from that conversation alone, my relationships immediately took on more fullness. Someone stepped forward to invite me to share a place to live; the woman I've been dating found a new interest in me; I felt free to choose how much of myself to reveal in conversations. And, my own compassion and understanding have grown, making others feel safe about sharing with me.
I came to this planet with the unwavering belief that each person has everything they need already 'installed'. Human Design is a way to discover what we have within, and how it can be reached and expressed to give shape to the life we live."
Brett Diethert, Imaginist, dreamer, poet, writer, student, Author of Re-Vision: The Art of Prosperity
and The Voice of Emotion
"Playing with Human Design and Rosy was one of the most encouraging, affirming, enlightening and fun experiences I’ve ever had.
This System of discovery acknowledged who I am based on how I was designed before any of this crazy world’s conditioning got in the way. It changed my life to start seeing myself through truth-glasses rather than cultural, societal, familial or trauma-based ones. Human Design was the perfect prescription to help correct my self-vision and move me toward 20/20. My gratitude abounds…"
Anissa Matthews, Purveyor of Passions and Worshipper of Life, (oh, and Massage Therapist)
"At once a mentor, therapist and spiritual adviser, Rosy’s wisdom emanates from a deep well of empathy and a fully lived life and inspires you to live your dream. Rosy's capacity to see your essence and hear the longings of the deepest voice inside of you is her special gift. Filled with emotional generosity, Rosy showers you with her nurturing energy and her compassionate gaze. This unique quality of holding and presence permits you to glide into the necessary exploration where you can begin to map the emotional, spiritual and practical terrain of your journey."
Armand Volkas, MFA, MA, MFT, RDT/BCT, Clinical Director of The Living Arts Counseling Center
Artistic Director of The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble and Healing the Wounds of History
"Rosy Aronson is a born counselor/healer/integrator of knowledge ... an AMAZING woman."
"I listened last night to your incredible explanation of my Human Design. Rosy, you are so deeply connected to this work and masterfully articulate with sensitivity and humor. I am so excited about this and think you have chosen so wisely your direction. You are a colossal interpreter! Your lovingness has been imprinted into my mind and body."
Caren Wise -- mother, teacher, artist, expressive arts/drama therapist & change agent
In a world where, it seems, only the most conventional and obvious skills and life paths are encouraged, her commitment to naming and supporting subtler gifts and needs is vital. I've returned to her readings time and time again, and I'm always touched by her insight, empathy, and boundless understanding. Part supportive counselor, part wise interpreter of the soul, part clear-eyed intuitive, Rosy is the sort of ally in life I wish everyone could experience. The whole world would be the better for it."
-- Siona van Dijk -- Writer / Facilitator, sionavandijk.wordpress.com
“As a magical mentor, coach, artistic midwife, and celebrator of what’s blossoming in an individual, Rosy Aronson has cleared the dust from my eyes and set my feet on solid ground time and time again. She has a gift to see deep into one’s soul and usher us into our greatness.
I would not be this currently ‘blossomed’, and constantly still blossoming version of myself without her acute wisdom and generous joyful support. I would encourage any woman wanting to step more fully into the highest version of herself to work as close as she could with Rosy Aronson. She is a magically inspired, creative, and powerful force of nature on our planet at this time!!“
~Jenny Karns, the creator of the Remembering Our Magic Telesummit: A Healing, Empowering, and Global Peace Project.
“Rosy is a lighthouse, illuminating the way for those who seek knowledge of self. She is like a compass guiding you back home….and once there, can never stray away again.
I was looking for a Human Design facilitator through the internet and I found Rosy’s name. I was immediately attracted to her energy and spent several days researching human design. After a couple of days, I made an appointment with her.
When I heard my first recording, I was impressed by how accurate Rosy was in describing my design. The great bonus was that I really felt at home with her; As though I was visiting a kindred spirit with whom I didn’t have to explain myself all the time. This level of comfort Rosy gives, is one of her many gifts. From there we transitioned into what I call a “co-creative coaching process”.
I have worked with Rosy for over a year and I have to say she really is one of the most dynamic women I have ever met. In my profession, I come across many other professionals. However, I have to say that Rosy is, in my opinion one of the best facilitators and counselors I have met. Her intelligence, professionalism, passion and expertise are exceptional. She has a gift of combining all her wisdom and knowledge into her work. I respect and admire her level of integrity. Rosy is a true renaissance woman!”
~Sandra Rojo, Certified Wellness, Health and Life Coach, and Healer, www.sacred-awakening.com
“Just thinking of my sumptuous Human Design Sessions with Rosy brings sunshine, flowers, and fresh air into my being! Rosy is not only an expert on Human Design but a true artist in the way she personalizes the work and gives it voice. And, she is an absolute delight to be with!
I have invested in many programs and coaches for personal growth and development and my experience with Rosy was by far the most valuable for what I learned and could immediately apply to all aspects of my life, relationships and business. Until understanding my human design I tended to make things so much harder than they needed to be. With Rosy’s guidance, I was able to start to trust my rhythms and ways, and have had incredible gifts appear in my life since our sessions. I cannot recommend Rosy’s work highly or deeply enough! She is a sparkling gem.”
~Karyn Amore, Catalyst and Muse for Your WildSexyFree Life (wildsexyfree.com).
“When I received my first human design reading from Rosy, I thought, “How does this woman know me so well?!!” Rosy was able to communicate the truth about me in a very loving and caring way while encouraging me to be true and authentic to myself. Because of Rosy, I have grown.
Because of Rosy, I have allowed me to be more of me while allowing my life to unfold as it should. Like a blossoming flower, I am here, open and ready for what my life has to offer.”
~Trena Bolden Fields, Actress, Writer, Life & Career Coach, www.trenaboldenfields.com
“Rosy possesses the rarest sort of genius, and she puts it to still rarer use. She has the ability to see, deeply, the strengths of her clients, and uses this to construct for each a unique reading of immeasurable value and meaning. In a world where, it seems, only the most conventional and obvious skills and life paths are encouraged, her commitment to naming and supporting subtler gifts and needs is vital. I’ve returned to her readings time and time again, and I’m always touched by her insight, empathy, and boundless understanding.
Part supportive counselor, part wise interpreter of the soul, part clear-eyed intuitive, Rosy is the sort of ally in life I wish everyone could experience. The whole world would be the better for it.”
~Siona van Dijk, Writer / Facilitator , sionavandijk.wordpress.com
“Imagine a world in which each person were able to find the right expression of his or her beauty. It is Rosy’s mission to help as many people as possible to do just that.”
“However counter-intuitive it may seem to choose a Human Design analyst on the other side of the world, some instinct led me to request my reading from Rosy in California – thousands of miles away from where I am living (in the UK). Her radiant presence, grace, true sweetness and unmistakable compassion and dedication to her multi-faceted counseling and therapeutic practice all shone brightly from the videos on her website. That is just for starters…
When my much-anticipated reading arrived, listening to Rosy’s voice provided a sense of comfort as immediate as if we were in the same room! I have listened to the recording repeatedly, absorbing more deep, warm wisdom each time.
I had read of people weeping tears – of relief and recognition – as their true selves, so deeply buried under the accretions of conditioning, stress and trauma, are unearthed and brought into the light! This was my experience too.
Rosy will guide you with enormous sensitivity and clarity through your unique strategy for navigating this life, blending her knowledge of Human Design with her rich and varied therapeutic experience.
Like a skillful and devoted gardener, Rosy will assist you in tending to your life until it is truly blossoming!”
~Rebecca Markes, writer, artist, educator
“I’ll tell you now of Rosy, Compassionate and Wise –
Who’s always in my Corner, Exposing all the Lies
That I in Years of Living Believed about my Self.
She Gently and with Humor Uncovers all the Wealth
That’s been Hiding in the Basement under Years of Self-Neglect.
While Vacuuming and Dusting, she showed me—Self-Respect!
The Journey is Ongoing, and my Blossom’s Just Begun
To Open, and to Fragrance the World with Joy and Fun.
What lies ahead is Foggy, a World yet Unexplored.
Technology seems Baffling, but I am Moving Toward
A Place that will be Perfect for my Projector Soul
To Flourish and to Open as an Integrated Whole.
How rare a find is Rosy! Her virtues know no end,
A Coach and Guide and Counselor, and my Eternal Friend!”
~Margaret Blackburn, Mother of 5, Grandmother of 7, Wife of 47 years, Teacher, Energy Worker, Musician, and Soon-to-be Author
“A true Human Design master is part knowledge-expert, part artist, part therapist, part facilitator. Rosy is all of these and more.
The promise of HD is to shift the ‘stuck places’ and experience relief, new freedom, a sense of possibility and/or transformation. I was lucky enough to experience all of these with Rosy’s support and guidance. After only one session and a telephone follow-up with Rosy, it feels like there’s been a “tectonic plate change” inside me. My life had seemed as if I was dancing someone else’s dance before seeing her, knowing that I wasn’t quite aligned with my own pace and rhythm, and watching myself over and over again feeling overwhelmed, drained, and not knowing how to shift this.
With compassion, rigor and an amazing capacity to track the complexity of my experience, Rosy was able to weave the specifics of Human Design into my unique situation, offering me a very accessible framework and in-the-moment tools that help me make choices more easily, express myself more authentically and experience a sense of aliveness and alignment that are unprecedented in my 56 years (and ohh, so many therapy sessions!). I had received an HD session before, and though the practitioner was thorough and knowledgeable, she spoke “at” me with that knowledge, and I couldn’t translate the information to make it truly useful in my life. (And should you think I’m easy to please, I gotta tell you: I’m very, very particular….)”
~Susan Strasburger, RPT, PhD, Integrative Coaching and Counseling Living with Presence , www.susanstrasburger.com
“More than once, I have bared my tears and soul to Rosy. These have included times I was very close to giving up on my self, my relationship and my business. She is one of the most heartfelt, sincere and safe practitioners I have ever worked with. Rosy is extremely wise, present and tuned-in and has a superb record of saying just the right thing that resonates with my own truth and knowing. I also had some significant and unexpected ah-ha’s in a creativity and collage workshop led by Rosy. I couldn’t recommend Rosy’s programs and coaching more highly, especially if you are a sensitive and passionate woman.”
~Naraya Stein, Founder of Journey Mapping, Become the Mapmaker of Your Visions, www.journeymapping.net
“Playing with Human Design and Rosy was one of the most encouraging, affirming, enlightening and fun experiences I’ve ever had. This System of discovery acknowledged who I am based on how I was designed before any of this crazy world’s conditioning got in the way. It changed my life to start seeing myself through truth-glasses rather than cultural, societal, familial or trauma-based ones. Human Design was the perfect prescription to help correct my self-vision and move me toward 20/20. My gratitude abounds…”
~Anissa Matthews, Purveyor of Passions and Worshipper of Life (oh, and Massage Therapist), www.anissamatthews.com
“My Human Design reading with Rosy was an experience that has stayed with me, and one that provided great insight and comfort during a challenging time. Rosy possesses a rare and beautiful presence. She is the type of professional I would recommend unequivocally to anyone seeking compassionate, skilled and loving guidance.”
~Eileen Pardini, educator, author and earthkeeper, www.eileenpardini.com, [email protected], twitter: @eileenpardini
“Rosy is a real treasure. When I got my first reading, I was astonished at her ability to synthesize and convey layers and layers of information in a straightforward and understandable way. Rosy’s caring nature, her wonderful sense of humor, and her keen insights have been invaluable to me as we’ve worked together over several follow-up sessions. The more I consciously live my design, the more I see the ways I’d been conditioned not to live it. It is exhilarating to throw out the “should’s” and live life from my true Self. I am deeply indebted to Rosy for this great gift.”
~Peggy DeCelle, Ph.D., Psychologist, Writer, Traveler, Art-lover, Grandmother (Washington D.C.)
“I am a mother of 2 children under 10, an artist and an art instructor. As my youngest child started to become more independent, I began thinking about getting back to my studio. Through a friend I was introduced to Rosy Aronson and her “Moms About to Blossom” workshops. It was a truly wonderful series, a process of exploring our relationship to ourselves and others, our obligations, careers, interests and passions. I wanted to participate in the workshop to help myself build the confidence and clarity to more profoundly engage in building a successful career as an artist. Rosy’s workshop was incredibly powerful and useful to me in many ways that I hadn’t anticipated. I highly recommend Rosy and her “Designed to Blossom” Program to any woman struggling to regain a sense of herself and/or her life purpose.”
~Sheila Metcalf Tobin, artist, art instructor, mother, food-activist, www.sheilametcalftobin.com
“Dr. Rosy Aronson possesses the rare combination of razor sharp intelligence, profound creativity, clear intuition and the most empathic heart imaginable. She is able to take the essence of Human Design and express it through the Blossoming process in a way that is tailor-made to each person she works with. In doing so, I have seen so many people transform and consider it a great fortune that she is sharing her gifts with the world in this program. I give her my most wholehearted endorsement.
~Karin von Daler, Psychologist, Expressive Artist, Author, www.karinvondaler.com
“Rosy Aronson is a born counselor/healer/integrator of knowledge … an AMAZING woman. She is so deeply connected to this work and masterfully articulate with sensitivity and humor. I am so excited about this and think she has chosen so wisely her direction. She is a colossal interpreter! Her lovingness has been imprinted into my mind and body.”
~Caren Wise, mother, teacher, artist, expressive arts/drama therapist & change agent
“I listened to your entire reading, all the way through, on the very night that I received it! It was fascinating! I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it, and almost every part of what you shared resonated with me. Thank you for all of your time and the beautiful efforts that you made to make this happen.”
~ Kirana Miller, Founding Member for Tinamit Junan Uleu – Earth Peoples United, http://earthpeoplesunited.org
"There is the wonder of Human Design, and there is the wonder of Rosy Aronson. I am grateful that I found both together.
"When I got my first reading from Rosy, it was a time in my life when I was off course; I was definitely lost. Though I had a thriving business, a beautiful home, and a lovely husband, I was unhappy. I was sure that I had missed the boat for my true calling and was spinning my wheels in a life. I was very frustrated and my mind was constantly searchingfor something else.
The Human Design reading that Rosy delivered to me was such an incredibly deep validation and understanding of who I am. It helped me find my way back to myself. I was able to accept and celebrate where I am in life, as well as, who I am. Part of the information that Rosy gave me was a practical strategy for how to be in the world, how to find my way, how to make decisions. This deeply impacted my life. It is definitely one of the most useful and powerful things I have ever done.
The way that Rosy delivered the information was so clear, articulate, and compassionate. Rosy has a rare gift of sensitive interpretation and effective communication. I can't recommend her highly enough. Rosy is like a tonic of good energy. The way I feel good after a walk on the beach is the way I feel about my readings from Rosy. I listen to them whenever I need a dose of clarity and calm."
Mary Lois Hare, Creative Director of Loop Event Arts, www.loopflowers.com
“Rosy’s Human Design reading was an amazing experience of being fully appreciated and praised for all the parts of myself and life experiences I held in contempt and judgment. Not just facts and figures, but the way Rosy interpreted and delivered the H. D. chart information is what was so impressive and therapeutic to me. Very powerfully, intuitively, empathically, compassionately and so joyfully, Rosy told me the story of my self; introducing me to my long lost Truest Self. Rosy truly knew me better than I knew myself and completely reframed my perspective regarding my life’s journey, purpose and accomplishments. I discovered I was more on track than I thought and very creatively fulfilling my life purpose mission. Not only am I right where I’m supposed to be but ahead of the curve in many ways. For the first time in my life I am able to accept and fully embrace my creative ingenuity and allow ‘not knowing’ and trusting the unfolding of life’s process to be my Muse rather than my Nemesis. Thanks Rosy. You are truly an amazing gift to all the lives you touch.“
~David Scheel, a natural Empath and Change Agent who facilitates True Self Re-membering and Embodiment.
"This Human Design information can be confusing. But, shared with someone rooted in Love and Integrity such as Rosy, it begins to open, maybe.....unfold.... who we are.
I had heard about Human Design from my friend in California. She is so experimental about new information, that I sometimes disregard her suggestions. But, perhaps because I've always wondered about my own design, I Googled, and came across a lengthy list of information and practitioners. Scrolling down I came across "Rosy Aronson", and instinct took over. I was soon to learn that listening to this instinct would open doors, and address questions that 'logic' never could. When I received my chart, I just felt recognized...that's me, described in a new language!
Exploring the depth and richness only hinted at in the chart, the reading I received was more like a...blanket...than a description. It comforted me, revealing an inner guide and self-trust I had never really dared to rely upon. Listening, I relaxed into who I am, and found myself.....loving...the uniqueness of me!
But my excitement, and the wealth of this work still hadn't reached its peak. I arranged a phone interview with Rosy to discuss how a 'projector' such as myself could engage in relationships in new ways. Two things happened: her voice, from the first "Hello, Brett" carried such acceptance, even love, that I knew instantly I trusted this personwith my deepest secrets.
And, from that conversation alone, my relationships immediately took on more fullness. Someone stepped forward to invite me to share a place to live; the woman I've been dating found a new interest in me; I felt free to choose how much of myself to reveal in conversations. And, my own compassion and understanding have grown, making others feel safe about sharing with me.
I came to this planet with the unwavering belief that each person has everything they need already 'installed'. Human Design is a way to discover what we have within, and how it can be reached and expressed to give shape to the life we live."
Brett Diethert, Imaginist, dreamer, poet, writer, student, Author of Re-Vision: The Art of Prosperity
and The Voice of Emotion
"Playing with Human Design and Rosy was one of the most encouraging, affirming, enlightening and fun experiences I’ve ever had.
This System of discovery acknowledged who I am based on how I was designed before any of this crazy world’s conditioning got in the way. It changed my life to start seeing myself through truth-glasses rather than cultural, societal, familial or trauma-based ones. Human Design was the perfect prescription to help correct my self-vision and move me toward 20/20. My gratitude abounds…"
Anissa Matthews, Purveyor of Passions and Worshipper of Life, (oh, and Massage Therapist)
"At once a mentor, therapist and spiritual adviser, Rosy’s wisdom emanates from a deep well of empathy and a fully lived life and inspires you to live your dream. Rosy's capacity to see your essence and hear the longings of the deepest voice inside of you is her special gift. Filled with emotional generosity, Rosy showers you with her nurturing energy and her compassionate gaze. This unique quality of holding and presence permits you to glide into the necessary exploration where you can begin to map the emotional, spiritual and practical terrain of your journey."
Armand Volkas, MFA, MA, MFT, RDT/BCT, Clinical Director of The Living Arts Counseling Center
Artistic Director of The Living Arts Playback Theatre Ensemble and Healing the Wounds of History
"Rosy Aronson is a born counselor/healer/integrator of knowledge ... an AMAZING woman."
"I listened last night to your incredible explanation of my Human Design. Rosy, you are so deeply connected to this work and masterfully articulate with sensitivity and humor. I am so excited about this and think you have chosen so wisely your direction. You are a colossal interpreter! Your lovingness has been imprinted into my mind and body."
Caren Wise -- mother, teacher, artist, expressive arts/drama therapist & change agent