A Story & An Invitation (videos 1 - 7)

Thanks to my husband Kim's encouragement, and my own blossoming experiments, I created a very casual series of videos and just 'put them out there'.
The series is called A Story and an Invitation -- because in each of them, I share a story from my life, and extend an invitation to you. There are 19 videos in all. You'll find 1 - 7 on this page.
Below are the first 7 videos, with short descriptions of each. Feel free to pluck out the ones that call out to you.
The series is called A Story and an Invitation -- because in each of them, I share a story from my life, and extend an invitation to you. There are 19 videos in all. You'll find 1 - 7 on this page.
Below are the first 7 videos, with short descriptions of each. Feel free to pluck out the ones that call out to you.
Coming Out of the Closet
A story from my life where I 'outed' myself, and an invitation for you to do the same!
Exercising the Mind!
I share about the crazy ways I keep my mind OPEN, and extend an invitation for you to do the same!
Your Soul's To-Do List
An interesting (and relieving!) way I've learned to look at my own life,
and an invitation for you.
and an invitation for you.
A Tribute to My Sister
A story about my courageous sister, and an invitation for you to take inspiration!
Your Big Five
An inspiring book called, Life Safari, where a man dares to go after one of his "BIG FIVE's of life" -- by embarking on a life-changing journey to Africa. I invite you to take inspiration from this empowering way of looking at life.
Looking for Evidence
In this video I share how stubbornly we can cling to unhelpful beliefs -- even when the opposite reality is smacking us in the face! I invite you to do a little "belief inventory," and see whether any of your favorite beliefs are up for revision.
The Art of Gift Giving and Receiving
Inspired by holiday craziness, I share about my own relationship to gift giving and receiving (both the desirable and "unintentional" kinds!), growing up in a relatively affluent Chicago suburb, and then invite you to play around with a new perspective and a couple of fun gift-related experiments.