(Authenticity Coaching)

What if every time you were facing a new job, relationship, health kick, or opportunity, you had a very concrete, practical way to tune into that clear, wise, authentic voice -- or truth-finding process -- within you?
Thanks to Human Design, I now know that this is possible.
Not just to make authentic decisions, but to actually enjoy the process. To get to a place in your life where you can feel happy about the choices you make, regardless of how things “turn out” -- or at least how others think they turn out.
You might benefit from integrating Human Design into your personal growth process, if you ever…
- Sacrifice or ignore your needs and wants for the sake of your relationships, to the point of personal burn out or relational breakdown!
- Say “yes” before you're ready or totally clear about someone or something, because you're afraid of missing out.
- Miss out on wonderful life-changing opportunities because you're too afraid to take the leap, and then beat yourself up about it.
- Agonize over the decisions you make about your career path -- either during, before or after you've made them!
- Push yourself into hopeless diets and unsustainable excercise routines -- again and again, leaving your self-esteem dwindling by a thread.
- Leap impulsively into relationships, jobs and all sorts of situations, and then spend way too much time and energy trying to extricate yourself from them.
- Hem and haw so much that you drive your loved ones crazy, or unintentionallydiscourage people from extending you more invitations.
- Allow your mind (or someone else!) to convince you to ignore your instincts, even when deep down you know your instincts are right on.
- Courageously follow your instincts, only to discover later on that they were way off!

Living authentically on this planet is not always easy.
If we want to be healthy, to love our work, to prosper, and to remain connected to the people we love, we are likely to find ourselves pulled in a million directions -- either away from our deepest sense of what's right for us in each moment, or in the long run.
Some of us end up moving faster (or slower) than what feels healthy. Some of us end up frantically zig-zagging, walking in circles, or down someone else's path!
And it's no wonder.
From the moment we are born, we can't help but absorb and internalize the values, beliefs, habits and timing of the people around us.
If we want to be healthy, to love our work, to prosper, and to remain connected to the people we love, we are likely to find ourselves pulled in a million directions -- either away from our deepest sense of what's right for us in each moment, or in the long run.
Some of us end up moving faster (or slower) than what feels healthy. Some of us end up frantically zig-zagging, walking in circles, or down someone else's path!
And it's no wonder.
From the moment we are born, we can't help but absorb and internalize the values, beliefs, habits and timing of the people around us.
“Our parents, teachers, peers, bosses, institutions, cultural leaders, even global trends,
take up permanent residence inside our heads.
And they don't just feel obliged to tell us what to do,
but to tell us why not doing it their way
is just asking for trouble!”
Usually the voices in our heads -- competing for our attention -- contradict each other, leaving us either subtly doubtful or utterly befuddled.
How tempting it is to wish we could somehow block it all out. To think, “If only I could remain miraculously impervious to the world's energies, pressures and ambitions... and know just what to do!”
And yet, we don't really want to close ourselves off like that. Not really.
As easy as it is to get lost, to be so “under the influence” that we can't feel our truth at all, we know that one of the most beautiful things about being human is our OPENNESS -- our ability to receive, to be impacted by the world around us.
How tempting it is to wish we could somehow block it all out. To think, “If only I could remain miraculously impervious to the world's energies, pressures and ambitions... and know just what to do!”
And yet, we don't really want to close ourselves off like that. Not really.
As easy as it is to get lost, to be so “under the influence” that we can't feel our truth at all, we know that one of the most beautiful things about being human is our OPENNESS -- our ability to receive, to be impacted by the world around us.

So Who - or What - Can I Truly Trust?
In Human Design, we call AUTHORITY that place we can turn to for Truth -- that part of (or process in) us we can trust to make our decisions in life, and to help us honor our own right timing.
When I first encountered Human Design, one of the most exciting things I learned was that not everyone has the same kind of Authority.
One person's decision-making process can (and should!) look and feel very different from another's.
For instance, I am someone who needs to trust my in-the-moment, intuitive, gut instincts. My husband, on the other hand, needs to 'feel out' people, situations and opportunities over a period of time before knowing who and what is right for him.
Knowing & experimenting with these simple truths have transformed our relationship to ourselves, and to each other. They have also changed our relationship to our bodies and our work life.
One of the most empowering things Human Design does is put each of us in touch with our own unique truth-detecting device.
In the end, Human Design doesn't just help us to live more authentically, but to relate more authentically. But now I'm getting ahead of myself.
In Human Design, we call AUTHORITY that place we can turn to for Truth -- that part of (or process in) us we can trust to make our decisions in life, and to help us honor our own right timing.
When I first encountered Human Design, one of the most exciting things I learned was that not everyone has the same kind of Authority.
One person's decision-making process can (and should!) look and feel very different from another's.
For instance, I am someone who needs to trust my in-the-moment, intuitive, gut instincts. My husband, on the other hand, needs to 'feel out' people, situations and opportunities over a period of time before knowing who and what is right for him.
Knowing & experimenting with these simple truths have transformed our relationship to ourselves, and to each other. They have also changed our relationship to our bodies and our work life.
One of the most empowering things Human Design does is put each of us in touch with our own unique truth-detecting device.
In the end, Human Design doesn't just help us to live more authentically, but to relate more authentically. But now I'm getting ahead of myself.
“Human Design shows us how to make the most of
the gifts we receive from the outside world…
without losing ourselves in the process!”

Probably like many of you, I've been around the self-development block more than a few times. And if I've learned anything, it's that our human lives are far too unique and complex for one-size-fits-all approaches to personal or spiritual growth.
I've never felt comfortable 'selling' myself or my work, nor have I felt drawn to quick fixes - whether promised by New Age gurus, skillful therapists, marketing legends, or eager dieticians.
No matter how impressive a system is, if it is held with rigidity and applied to all people in all situations, it often falls short of its true potential.
Probably like many of you, I've been around the self-development block more than a few times. And if I've learned anything, it's that our human lives are far too unique and complex for one-size-fits-all approaches to personal or spiritual growth.
I've never felt comfortable 'selling' myself or my work, nor have I felt drawn to quick fixes - whether promised by New Age gurus, skillful therapists, marketing legends, or eager dieticians.
No matter how impressive a system is, if it is held with rigidity and applied to all people in all situations, it often falls short of its true potential.
“Over the years, I've found that systems or tools
- like Human Design --
are most helpful when held lightly, with the flexible hands
and open ears of an 'artist' who listens.”
Sometimes systems enter our lives just when we need a map to journey from one place to the next. And then, once we've 'arrived' at our integrated destinations, they fall away, as they should.
That said, Human Design is one of the first 'systems' I've encountered that doesn't claim authority over anyone. Instead, it puts our authority right back into our own hands. And it does so in a profoundly respectful, empowering and practical way.
From the moment you choose to learn about your design, you're the one in charge. You don't have to believe, accept or swallow anything whole. You get to try it out for yourself.
That said, Human Design is one of the first 'systems' I've encountered that doesn't claim authority over anyone. Instead, it puts our authority right back into our own hands. And it does so in a profoundly respectful, empowering and practical way.
From the moment you choose to learn about your design, you're the one in charge. You don't have to believe, accept or swallow anything whole. You get to try it out for yourself.

Take a look at my last 40 years, and you'll see that the path I've been on has been anything but straight or typical.
Again and again, I've found myself flying in the face of personal, cultural, even “spiritual” conditioning.
So I really do know something about the pain and the gifts that accompany the unbeaten path.
I also know what a bright yet deeply conditioned mind can do to a person who isn't meant for the cookie-cutting business, who is simply trying to find her own way in life.
You see, the mind always wants to know. It always wants to be in control, to have a plan, a formula, to have it all together & wrapped up in a bow.
But no matter how brilliant a mind can get at anticipating & analyzing & scheming, life has a way of throwing curve balls. It's the nature of the beast.
Among many other things, I've learned…
Imagine how our minds would do if they had to be in charge of things like walking and breathing and hiccupping.
We are all so much more than what we think we are. Our potential is so much greater than what our minds could ever imagine or grasp or control. Human Design shows us how to unlock that potential, one decision at a time.
Again and again, I've found myself flying in the face of personal, cultural, even “spiritual” conditioning.
So I really do know something about the pain and the gifts that accompany the unbeaten path.
I also know what a bright yet deeply conditioned mind can do to a person who isn't meant for the cookie-cutting business, who is simply trying to find her own way in life.
You see, the mind always wants to know. It always wants to be in control, to have a plan, a formula, to have it all together & wrapped up in a bow.
But no matter how brilliant a mind can get at anticipating & analyzing & scheming, life has a way of throwing curve balls. It's the nature of the beast.
Among many other things, I've learned…
- to love and embrace who I am, in a way that actually transforms old magnets for relational conflict into opportunities for creative chemistry!
- to welcome the surprising twists and turns of my professional life with amusement, trust and a sense of adventure.
- to embrace and surrender to the intelligence of my body, which unfailingly leads me to the health choices that are best for me!
- to hold my mind lovingly and patiently, despite its tendencies to worry, scheme and engage in crazy mental-monkey acrobatics
- to trust my unique way of knowing, even when it leads me into the unknown
- to liberate my mind from rigid life agendas, without giving up my dreams!
- to respect and honor my yes's and no's - even when it feels uncomfortable.
- to enjoy and celebrate the people in my life (at a whole new level!), even -- especially! -- when they're very different from me
Imagine how our minds would do if they had to be in charge of things like walking and breathing and hiccupping.
We are all so much more than what we think we are. Our potential is so much greater than what our minds could ever imagine or grasp or control. Human Design shows us how to unlock that potential, one decision at a time.

Of course, I can't give Human Design all of the credit for who I am (or how I work with clients) today. My entire personal and professional life has led up to this moment. Just as my clients don't come to me as empty cups begging to be filled, I didn't come to Human Design as a blank (or resource-less) slate.
As someone who has had years of training and practice in psychotherapy and the counseling arts, I strongly believe that true healing and growth take place in the context of loving, creative relationships
“No system, no bit of knowledge on its own,
can melt those areas inside of us
where we've been frozen by fear or deeply hurt.”
In the end, we must learn to trust and open ourselves to another - whether it be a psychotherapist, an intimate partner, a dear friend, or a spiritual counselor. Our bodies and hearts must know that it is safe to experience our wounds in the presence of others, to know that we are indeed lovable -- even when we're feeling the least lovable.
At the same time, I have found that particular therapeutic & creative modalities (i.e. somatic, expressive arts and drama therapies) and certain systems (like Human Design) can have an enormously positive impact on our transformational process, on our capacity to live and relate authentically, as well as to prosper and enjoy good health.
At the same time, I have found that particular therapeutic & creative modalities (i.e. somatic, expressive arts and drama therapies) and certain systems (like Human Design) can have an enormously positive impact on our transformational process, on our capacity to live and relate authentically, as well as to prosper and enjoy good health.
“A system like Human Design
allows us to access places that can be
hard to reach through talk or mind alone.”
The best psychotherapists rarely tell us what to do. Instead, they encourage us to find our own answers, to uncover our own truth.
“What psychotherapists CAN'T
always share with us is…
HOW EXACTLY we are designed, as unique beings,
to find our own answers.”
Because of this, in traditional talk therapy, we're often left wading our way through a quagmire of emotional and historical complexities, relying on our minds' analytical capacities to solve our problems.
But the answers to Life's Biggest Questions are rarely found - or resolved -- by the Analytical Mind.
Perhaps this is why throughout my life, I have felt called to explore and deepen into other ways of knowing - alternative ways of accessing truth.
So my aim in sharing Human Design is not to replace a deep healing process that can and often should occur within a long-term relationship. My aim is to enhance that process, to deepen it, to make it more efficient.
When you understand HOW YOU WORK, how you most easily access your own truth, you can then bring this self-knowledge (and self-acceptance!) with you into the counseling room, and ultimately, into the greatest experiment of all …Relationship itself.
And I'm not talking about the big, flashy 'WOW' kind of transformation that we're often promised.
I'm talking about a deep slow transformation, one where we can really learn how to LIVE, RELATE, SERVE and CREATE with authenticity. I've experienced this in my own life, and in the lives of countless friends and clients.
But the answers to Life's Biggest Questions are rarely found - or resolved -- by the Analytical Mind.
Perhaps this is why throughout my life, I have felt called to explore and deepen into other ways of knowing - alternative ways of accessing truth.
So my aim in sharing Human Design is not to replace a deep healing process that can and often should occur within a long-term relationship. My aim is to enhance that process, to deepen it, to make it more efficient.
When you understand HOW YOU WORK, how you most easily access your own truth, you can then bring this self-knowledge (and self-acceptance!) with you into the counseling room, and ultimately, into the greatest experiment of all …Relationship itself.
And I'm not talking about the big, flashy 'WOW' kind of transformation that we're often promised.
I'm talking about a deep slow transformation, one where we can really learn how to LIVE, RELATE, SERVE and CREATE with authenticity. I've experienced this in my own life, and in the lives of countless friends and clients.

This is what I want for you.
And this is what I offer: a love of uniqueness, and a deep faith that there is a place here in this world for all of us. You too.
I would be so honored if together we can help you find a way to live this precious life as your absolutely unique and lovable self.
For now, I welcome you to browse around my web site. Watch a couple videos. Check out the art. If you're a mom, read an article or two. Explore my background to see if you resonate. If you're feeling ready to blossom and want some fun, creative and authenticity-inspiring support, check out Designed to Blossom -- the Self-Study Course.
And if you can feel a desire to work with me personally, please feel free to read about my approach to counseling (I LOVE to integrate Human Design into my counseling work with clients), and to contact me.
Most of all, trust yourself!
Much love,
And this is what I offer: a love of uniqueness, and a deep faith that there is a place here in this world for all of us. You too.
I would be so honored if together we can help you find a way to live this precious life as your absolutely unique and lovable self.
For now, I welcome you to browse around my web site. Watch a couple videos. Check out the art. If you're a mom, read an article or two. Explore my background to see if you resonate. If you're feeling ready to blossom and want some fun, creative and authenticity-inspiring support, check out Designed to Blossom -- the Self-Study Course.
And if you can feel a desire to work with me personally, please feel free to read about my approach to counseling (I LOVE to integrate Human Design into my counseling work with clients), and to contact me.
Most of all, trust yourself!
Much love,
To learn more about HUMAN DESIGN, start at the INTRO TO HUMAN DESIGN page!
The Human Design System, Mandala and Rave Bodygraph are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive, Inc.
Copyright © 2009, Roselyn Ann Aronson. All rights reserved. .
Copyright © 2009, Roselyn Ann Aronson. All rights reserved. .