Blossoming Mom Interview with "Nurse Rona"

I invite you into a cozy kitchen conversation with Rona Renner RN, the inspiring Founder of "Childhood Matters" Talk Radio Show.
In this 4-Part Video series, you'll learn the behind-the-scenes story of how Childhood Matters began, how the Blossoming process never ends (no matter what stage of life we moms/women are in), and about the important role of trust, patience and the willingness to hang out the unknown... when it comes to discovering and living out one's own life purpose!
Just scroll down to see the full interview -- divided into 4 parts.
In this 4-Part Video series, you'll learn the behind-the-scenes story of how Childhood Matters began, how the Blossoming process never ends (no matter what stage of life we moms/women are in), and about the important role of trust, patience and the willingness to hang out the unknown... when it comes to discovering and living out one's own life purpose!
Just scroll down to see the full interview -- divided into 4 parts.
Blossoming Mom Interview: PART ONE
With all that seems to be 'falling apart' in our world, many of us moms are feeling an increased sense of urgency to step forward and contribute something that will make our world a healthier place -- not just for our own children, but for all children, & the planet. In order to connect with our deeper missions and selves, we must be willing to carve out sacred time from our busy schedules. This often means having the courage to face, feel and overcome old sources of fear and low self-esteem that have been holding us back, even before we became mothers. Listen in to learn how self-love, compassion and creativity are the best antidotes for shame, and how RISK is essential is to any blossoming (and world-transforming) process.
Part Three
So many of us women were born and raised to be selfless people-pleasers. As young girls, our worth was more often measured by our ability to value, accomodate & support the needs of others, (and to attract the attention & admiration of 'successful/powerful men'!), than it was by our own ability to self-express, shine and blossom into powerful beings.
(If we didn't grow up to be caregivers in some way, the larger culture likely left us wondering whether something was inherently wrong with -- or unlovable about -- us!)
As mothers, this kind of nurturing-conditioning can be a real blessing. Lord knows how much selfless surrender and other-love come in handy in the life of a Mom!
That said, selflessness can go too far. It can lead to depression, burnout, loneliness... and unfortunate modeling for our daughters and sons. And... we are all so much more than what we've been taught to believe.
Join Rona and Rosy as they explore the true meaning of AUTHENTICITY, SELF-LOVE and the importance of RECEIVING SUPPORT as we re-member who we are, what we're worth, and what we're truly -- ALSO -- capable of.
(If we didn't grow up to be caregivers in some way, the larger culture likely left us wondering whether something was inherently wrong with -- or unlovable about -- us!)
As mothers, this kind of nurturing-conditioning can be a real blessing. Lord knows how much selfless surrender and other-love come in handy in the life of a Mom!
That said, selflessness can go too far. It can lead to depression, burnout, loneliness... and unfortunate modeling for our daughters and sons. And... we are all so much more than what we've been taught to believe.
Join Rona and Rosy as they explore the true meaning of AUTHENTICITY, SELF-LOVE and the importance of RECEIVING SUPPORT as we re-member who we are, what we're worth, and what we're truly -- ALSO -- capable of.
Part Four
As hard as it can be for moms to believe, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a happy, fulfilled mother -- who has a (social, spiritual, creative, productive, etc.) life of her own!
The truth is that our kids are watching us all the time. They're constantly learning about what it means to be a mother and a woman. Every time they look at us, they're learning something about how to care for themselves, how to care for another, and how to strike a balance between these two essential human needs.
Of course, we are totally human, and we make lots of mistakes. Sometimes we moms err on the side of doing way too much for our kids, at the expense of ourselves -- and at the expense of our kids! We over-identify with our children, smothering them with concern and attention while neglecting ourselves, and inadvertently applying unnecessary pressure on them without even realizing it. Other times we err on the side of doing too little for them; we "ignore the signs," don't hear cries for help, or get too caught up in the busy-ness of our lives to connect with our kids in the ways that matter most.
One of the worst mistakes we moms tend to make is being unfairly hard on ourselves for not doing it all 'perfectly'. The good news is that we get to be human! And while we can't always (and wouldn't even want to) prioritize our own needs and wants over our children's, it is important that we remember to have & nurture lives of our own. When we manage to make time to blossom as ourselves, we become a living, breathing inspiration for our kids.
Join Rosy and Rona, in the final part of this 4-part interview series, as they explore the dangers of "living through our children," and the importance of modeling creativity, adventure, and self-compassion!
The truth is that our kids are watching us all the time. They're constantly learning about what it means to be a mother and a woman. Every time they look at us, they're learning something about how to care for themselves, how to care for another, and how to strike a balance between these two essential human needs.
Of course, we are totally human, and we make lots of mistakes. Sometimes we moms err on the side of doing way too much for our kids, at the expense of ourselves -- and at the expense of our kids! We over-identify with our children, smothering them with concern and attention while neglecting ourselves, and inadvertently applying unnecessary pressure on them without even realizing it. Other times we err on the side of doing too little for them; we "ignore the signs," don't hear cries for help, or get too caught up in the busy-ness of our lives to connect with our kids in the ways that matter most.
One of the worst mistakes we moms tend to make is being unfairly hard on ourselves for not doing it all 'perfectly'. The good news is that we get to be human! And while we can't always (and wouldn't even want to) prioritize our own needs and wants over our children's, it is important that we remember to have & nurture lives of our own. When we manage to make time to blossom as ourselves, we become a living, breathing inspiration for our kids.
Join Rosy and Rona, in the final part of this 4-part interview series, as they explore the dangers of "living through our children," and the importance of modeling creativity, adventure, and self-compassion!
Copyright © 2011, Roselyn Ann Aronson. All rights reserved.