Scroll down to explore videos dedicated to exploring how
The 64 Faces of Awakening were created, and how they're evolving.
Come Meet the Wisdom Keepers, at The 64 Faces Project's first impromptu Open House in Berkeley, CA. April, 2015.
A sharing from Rosy about the process of bringing in the Wisdom Keepers.
Here Rosy introduces a Wisdom Keeper (reflecting the archetypes of Insight and Epiphany),
and shares how she got her inspiration. (Think hybrid of Edward Snowden, Steve Jobs and Ira Glass!)
and shares how she got her inspiration. (Think hybrid of Edward Snowden, Steve Jobs and Ira Glass!)
Here's an introduction to The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck.
Here Rosy shares more in depth about the evolution of The Wisdom Keepers Oracle Deck,
as she's interviewed by the lovely Veruschka Normandeau of "Salt of the Earth."
as she's interviewed by the lovely Veruschka Normandeau of "Salt of the Earth."
Watch Rosy infuse the Wisdom Keeper of EXANSION with color!!!
Here Rosy shares a few ways to approach The 64 Faces of Awakening Coloring Book.
Rosy donates coloring books to the Be Happy Practice Club at the St. Vincent dePaul's Community Center in Oakland, CA.
This empowering, heart-opening and resiliency-promoting workshop is facilitated by David Scheel.
This empowering, heart-opening and resiliency-promoting workshop is facilitated by David Scheel.